I think women are amazing.
They’re insightful, resourceful, and always multi-talented. There’s just something about self-doubt that seemingly haunts us.
Am I too old, too young, too attractive, not attractive enough.. educated, not educated? Do my strengths magnify the weakness in others?
These aren’t just MY questions they’re questions from women I meet all over. Women of all ages. Frustration in the current circumstance and hope that maybe they really can change the world for the better, even if it’s just a little bit… by being able to do something. To participate somehow.
Underneath the labels society has placed upon us, or ones we’ve voluntarily donned, I believe that all women are truly brilliant. It’s just that many can’t see their own brilliance, OR they’re so busy comparing their qualifications and themselves to others that they do not even try moving toward their aspirations or chasing their dreams for fear that they may fail before they even begin.
Can “work” really be exciting? Can you be successful? And how do you find joy, fulfillment, and success not only in your career, but in your life?
I see this overwhelming uprising of sharp, talented women who are tired of playing small. Who are ready to truly be the CEO of their lives and identify with other women whose mission is to step out boldly, acquire the confidence they desire, and walk their own path toward positive change.
There’s no denying that women are desiring to express themselves, to cultivate their creativity, and participate in meaningful change.
So why not now? The secret I’ve discovered is that we really don’t need to have ANY approval from others.
My prayer for every woman out there is that each day you take a step toward:
– More personal growth
– Greater skill sets which lead to increased earning power
– Confidence
– A body you love
– Personal and professional fulfillment & success… however that may look for YOU.
The fire has to be sparked within. Cheers to your best life.
Starting now.
α¦ Cassiah
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