As 2020 stretches on, there’s no denying the frequent conversational topic of how everything these days seems to bear the weight of twice the stress – from keeping track of days, weeks, and months to keeping track of kids in virtual school to checking on loved ones we can’t spend time with. With unforeseen burdens popping up in every direction, it’s critical that we allow ourselves the time and space to be efficient in our productivity. Get things done in a meaningful way, but get them done in a way that doesn’t sap our energy for the foreseeable future. Here are some effective ways to tackle the “to-do list” without letting it tackle you:
1. Don’t give yourself too much time to get something done.
Take advantage of the moment. Our brains are literally wired to avoid any kind of failure, and the only way to be successful in business and in life is to fail repeatedly. So what do we do?!
We have to show our brains we aren’t going to die because of discomfort and failure. We need to give ourselves the OK to move into discomfort and then get comfortable with that discomfort. Set an intentional time frame to get something done NOW.
When I have a thought and I know I might lose it, I either write it down at the moment or IMMEDIATELY take action on it. Our brains are incredible, even when we don’t know where to start, when we sit and be still, the right words, thoughts, and ideas can flow through us – give them a chance to come to you by putting yourself in the position and setting your intention to DO IT NOW. Don’t wait.
2. Produce B- work.
SHOCKING. But the reality is that “done” is better than “perfect.” We’ve all heard the quote from the top performers on how they simply “showed the plan” more than anyone else. Their presentation may have been terrible, but the ones who got it took it and ran with it. We all possess different skills. Be focused on the outcome – not on what you’re DOING but what you’re PRODUCING. The end game is all about results.
That video doesn’t have to be perfect, as a matter of fact the audience often resonates more closely with a grassroots, homemade video as opposed to ads that are highly produced. There’s even a name for it: the Pratfall effect. That’s right, your attractiveness could actually increase after you make a mistake …
Don’t let perfection stop you from moving your business forward. Let people see you are human. Why waste three hours of your day when that video could be knocked out in 30? Why spend a ton of money planning and organizing your home party when you can simplify the process and ask each person to bring something with them. Look for ways you can SIMPLIFY your life. People are busy – and things have a very short lifespan. Social media consistently demands fresh new content, so don’t overthink it. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
3. PLAN everything.
Get yourself an editorial calendar (Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Planoly). Designate a time (I do this on Saturdays because my work week is still fresh and I can map out what I need to accomplish, but Sunday nights are great for this as well.) This is when you shut the door to your office and respectfully ask for the space you need to SCHEDULE your highest priorities so THEY HAPPEN.
I love to use word clouds – as a matter of fact, I used to do this all the time, and when I was at HQ the teams were working with a dry eraser on the table just writing down words and ideas that came to mind. There are a few great websites that can help you compile this kind of information and create a beautiful image you can reference. This way, you remember who you are and what you stand for.
What other tactics do you employ to work efficiently? Remember: Planning is as important as doing. Point B always starts from a Point A. Efficient work gives you the benefit of more time, more freedom to create, more ability to appreciate what you have to offer and savor what you accomplish.
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